Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Accepting the Gauntlet

Skills threw down a gauntlet. I did not see any posts on his group page that indicated it has been taken up.

That's perhaps because there has never been a lens creating Kitty like me before.

The challange: To get $6,000 a month residual income from lens creation or to make one million lenses.

Skills, if your reading this:
I'm adding another stopping point. If I get on Oprah, I'm going to retire and give it up, but supposedly that will make me enough residuals that I'll already have won at that point...

The time frame: One year. From last February. Skills has a 6 month head start on me, since I didn't find out about Squidoo until August. That's 199 lenses and 20 groups.

I face a larger opponent every day (see my daily conquering of the dog in From the Paper Bag). Skills- you're on, and you're going down! Here goes nothing.

P.S. My human that does transcription and feeding for me necessiarly works a full-time job, but since I've agreed to split the winnings (at a non-disclosed percentage, which is unreasonably in her favor but given that it's her bank account, name, fingers, butt, etc. which feed me right now it's probably ok) she's agreed to take this on.